Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cubs Jeopardy! Episode Two

Back by absolutely ZERO demand, it's time for the second installment of Cubs Jeopardy!

Yeah, nobody responded to the first one and yeah, there's not really any reason to respond anyway and yeah, maybe this whole idea is stupid BUTFUCKYOUITHINKITSCOOLSOITSHAPPENING.

Just like last time, there will be one category, 5 clues, and you should answer in the comments unless you're a total ninny. If you are a total ninny I apologize, allow me to redirect you here and apologize for the misunderstanding.

Did you click it??? WHAT A BURN, RIGHT? Anyway here's your category:

Dude, they're about Mark Prior. Try to keep up.

The 200 Fucks Answer is:

For 400 Fucks, the Answer is:

The 600 Fucks Answer is:

800 Fucks. The Answer is:

And for 1000 Fucks, here's your Answer (this might have been my favorite part of Prior's career):

Answers after the jump so you can show your boyfriend how smart you are!

200 Fucks: What is "Four"

400 Fucks: Who is "Joe Mauer"

600 Fucks: What is "One"

800 Fucks: What is the "University of San Diego High School"

1000 Fucks: What is "Exploratory Surgery"

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